The End of the Beginning
It’s hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another year. Looking back, I am overwhelmed by how incredible God’s provision has been for ISM in 2021. It was only two years ago when the Lord quickened to me the story of Zerubbabel rebuilding the temple in the book of Zechariah:
Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forward the top stone amid shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’ –Zechariah 4:6-7, ESV
Reading these verses exploded in my spirit, as God impressed upon me to “begin again”. To take the vision and blueprints off the shelf, and establish a new starting point in finishing the mission to, “take it up there!”
And in Zechariah 4, specifically, verse 10, it reads “For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice, and shall see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.” I often quote a similar scripture about small beginnings from Job 8, but I found this verse particularly meaningful. Reminding us to have hope in the process, and trust that God will give us the people and tools to complete what He has called us to do.
The “plumb line” Zechariah references also stood out to me, as this particular tool is used many times in scripture symbolizing God’s standard of accuracy and truth.
Each week our team intentionally calibrates their hearts through prayer and the truth of God’s Word. We layout our plans and then take action, trusting that He is divinely guiding our steps in this ministry. I believe the Lord has honored our weekly gatherings with supernatural blessings and favor. He is allowing us to expand our team, build unique capabilities within our “Global Gospel Network” architecture, and connect us with God-inspired talent that is taking us further than we could have ever imagined. It’s been a delight to wake up and say, “We get to do this Lord?
Thank you for your prayers and support this year. We’d like you to join us in celebrating what God has done to establish ISM’s solid foundation in our Global Gospel Architecture. This year we’ve…
- Expanded our team to over 35 people with amazing gifts and talents
- Established several new strategic partnerships like Trans World Radio, ShareWord Global (Gideons of Canada), YouVersion, and others
- Formation of a new Advisory Council with Ret Maj Gen Robert Wheeler and other key defense contractors
- Successfully launched THRU the BIBLE’s enterprise content management system and the new “THRU the BIBLE App”
- Development of our Church Base platform and launching a new iteration we call Radio Base
- The relaunch of our R&D App called PressBible in multiple languages
- Development of our new peer-to-peer mesh network for mobile applications
- Deployment of our proprietary ultrasonic communications capability
- Designed a new digital distribution system using FM frequencies to deliver Bible content on mobile devices anywhere in the world
- And last but not least, the acquisition of several new high-powered FM broadcast stations which you’ll hear more about in the coming year!
What a time to be alive and in service of the Lord Jesus! We are blessed to be where we are today and because of your prayers and support, 2022 will be the year we see amazing developments for the Kingdom. I’ve been calling this season the “end of the beginning”. Although there is much more to do, I am confident that we are entering into a maturing phase of our ministry.
As always, we covet your prayers as we calibrate with His plumb line, His Word, and His Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and direct our steps next year. We are thankful for YOU and your loving support of the gospel. May you be richly blessed as you celebrate this Christmas season.
‘til all have heard,
Troy Carl | President, International Scripture Ministries, Inc.